AC/DC - High Voltage LP
"High Voltage" was the first chance America had to glimpse the raw power of Australia's best hard rock outfit. From their earliest days, lead guitarist Angus Young, a spastic dwarf-like riff-monger who wore nothing but traditional schoolboy attire, led this band of hooligans with gleeful perversity and balls-out ambition.
The group's intent is perfectly clear from the disc's opening power chords: to distill rock and mutate the blues down to its barest essentials in a pulverizing whomp. Riding over the top of the battering rhythm section is the all-too-true sneer of vocalist Bon Scott, who brings anthems to a previously unachieved high.
1. It's a Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna Rock 'n' Roll)
2. Rock 'n' Roll Singer
3. The Jack
4. Live Wire
5. T.N.T.
6. Can I Sit Next to You Girl
7. Little Lover
8. She's Got Balls
9. High Voltage
About this product: this reissue is pressed on black vinyl.