John Barry - The Tamarind Seed OST 2LP
For many years now, John Barry enthusiasts throughout the world have waited, not always patiently, for an officially sanctioned album release of his 1974 score to "The Tamarind Seed".
Seen as somewhat of a Holy Grail, no one ever truly expected it to see the light of day given that only sections of the master tapes have ever been traced. Chances remained distinctly remote, ever diminishing with the passage of time... and yet, miraculously, almost half a century after the film was premiered, what was considered mere wishful thinking - a pipedream even - has finally come true.
Starring Julie Andrews and Omar Sharif, this slow-burn romantic spy movie takes a different, human angle to tell a complicated story of Cold War and Love. Created by multi-award-winning director Blake Edwards, the Julie Andrews and Omar Sharif romance gently unfolds against a backdrop of Cold War paranoia. Romance, intrigue, espionage, exotic locations, complicated plot and suspense are all wonderfully supported by John Barry's exquisite, wonderfully plush score.
Though an official soundtrack album was apparently never planned, the tracks selected for this release include all the major cues used in the film together with Wilma Reading's commercially released single Play It Again, two different versions of The End as performed by Danny Street, plus different versions of both main and end title themes.
1. The Tamarind Seed Main Title
2. Judith Remembers
3. A Drive on the Island
4. Play It Again (Film Version)
5. File 23
6. Defection
7. Airport
8. Plane Swap
9. Interception Attempt
10. The KGB Prepares
11. Napalm Boat
12. Burning Bungalow
13. He's Alive
14. She'll Recover
15. The Tamarind Seed End Title
16. The End (Version 1)
17. Holiday Source Cue 1
18. Holiday Source Cue 2
19. The Tamarind Seed Main Title (Alternate Version 1)
20. Holiday Source Cue 3
21. The End (Version 2)
22. The Tamarind Seed Main Title (Alternate Version 2)
23. Unused Source Music
24. Radio Source Music
25. Embassy Party Source Music
26. Play It Again (Single Version)
About this product: this is the Record Store Day '22 reissue on 2x transparent red / blue vinyl.